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"Assisting in Education, and Everything for the Sake of Children", Huabao Is Serious and Pragmatic in Supporting Education


Recently, the Communication Meeting of the Education Council Members in Shanghai Jiading Industrial Zone, chaired by Ms. Tang Lili, Head of the Social Development Office (Education) of Jiading Industrial Zone, was held at JIDU, one of the Education Council Members. Ms. Luo Huilan, member of the Party Working Committee and Deputy Director of the Management Committee of Jiading Industrial Zone, heads of relevant schools in the Zone, representatives of the first batch of Education Council Members including Huabao, Volvo, JIDU, JD.COM, and the Shanghai Acoustics Laboratory under Chinese Academy of Sciences, and representatives of the proposed new members attended the Meeting.

At the Meeting, heads of the relevant schools in the Zone introduced the resources and educational characteristics of their respective schools. Ms. Tang Lili made a summary report on the work of the first Education Council of Jiading Industrial Zone, which affirmed the efforts and contributions of the first batch of Education Council Members including Huabao, Volvo and JIDU in promoting social practice and educational science popularization for primary and secondary school students in the Zone, and improving the quality of education in the Zone. At the same time, new ideas and requirements were proposed for exploring and developing diversified and innovative co-construction mechanism of school-enterprise resources in the future. At the Meeting, the members voted on the Charter of the Education Council of Shanghai Jiading Industrial Zone (draft), which was unanimously passed. Four proposed new Education Council Members, i.e., Integrated Circuit Innovation Center,, Shanghai Normal University Tianhua College, and Tongjia Education, introduced their respective resources. In addition, JIDU was elected as the Chairman Member of the first Education Council at the Meeting. In her final concluding speech, Director Luo Huilan first expressed gratitude on behalf of Jiading Industrial Zone to the Education Council Members for their concern and support for education in the Zone, and for their diligent work and dedication. She expressed the need to fully leverage the role of the Education Council, attract more outstanding enterprises to join, build a better and more innovative platform for school-enterprise cooperation, and effectively link enterprise and school resources. Enterprises should provide various opportunities and platforms for science popularization and practical education beyond classroom for schools. Schools should also provide necessary assistance and resource support for the enrollment of children of employees of these enterprises. Both parties should establish an effective resource sharing mechanism to contribute wisdom and strength to the improvement of education quality in the Zone, and provide a larger and better stage for children's learning and growth.

Caring about education and supporting it with practical actions is an important measure for Huabao to give back to the society and fulfill its social responsibility. In 2023, the Education Council of Jiading Industrial Zone was officially established on the Teacher's Day. As one of the first batch of Education Council members, Huabao has constantly explored internal resources, repeatedly discussed, explored, developed science popularization course suitable for primary and secondary school students, led students on a journey of exploring fragrance and delicious experience, so that more people can understand the industry of fragrance and food ingredients scientifically and rationally through them. Through verification, this course has been well received by primary and secondary school students. In addition, Huabao has also provided long-term targeted funding to impoverished students in the old revolutionary base area of Jinzhai, explored various forms of educational assistance activities such as studying in Shanghai and family pairing; and donated school bags, uniforms and books to students in poor areas such as Xizang, Shaanxi, Gansu and Guizhou. Huabao always believes that caring about education and dedicating itself to education is a long-term cause. Huabao is willing to work together with the governments, schools, and other outstanding enterprises to explore and contribute to the education industry, thus creating an exciting and creative space for children's growth and development.
