News Detail

Flavor Your Life

ESG initiatives|From classroom to enterprise and from books to life, Huabao facilitates the development of education and improves the quality of education


Huabao Flavours & Fragrances Co., Ltd. (“Huabao” or “Company”) has always placed corporate development under the general policy of national development, and insisted on sharing weal and woe with the country and the people. While striving to run a good enterprise, Huabao actively contributes to society from “contribution to education and agriculture” to “revitalization and border-area consolidation”.

It is an important initiative for the Company to practice social responsibility by facilitating the development of education and the growth of students. For students at different phases of studying, Huabao makes careful customization, planning and preparation efforts, and strives to implement every project. It is like a beam of light into the lives of students, illuminating their road to study, growth and success.

On the afternoon of May 17 and May 24, 2024, twenty teachers and students from Grade Six of Jiading Defu Middle School Affiliated to HSASJTU and thirty-eight teachers and students from Grade Five of Yecheng Primary School in Jiading District, Shanghai visited Huabao Shanghai Industrial Park. Mr. MU Jieqiang, Vice Chairman of the Trade Union Federation of Huabao Shanghai Industrial Park (“Huabao Trade Union Federation”) and Senior Manager of Huabao HR and Administration Department, acted as a temporary off-campus teacher, leading the teachers and students to understand Huabao and explore the wonderful world of “fragrances discovery, fragrances exploration, fragrances creation”. At the Company’s exhibition hall, Mr. MU introduced the Company. At the application product exhibition area, the students were so interested in what they saw. Mr. MU told the students that all aspects of people’s lives including food and daily supplies are inseparable from flavors and fragrances, which may be all associated with Huabao. Huabao provides customers with customized and comprehensive flavor and fragrance solutions. At present, we are trying to create a “green, nutritious and healthy” flavor series of products, aiming to make people feel safe to use and eat them. At the same time, he also taught the students to learn to read the food ingredient list and scientifically look upon the flavor substances and products. Mr. MU said, “With the continuous development and progress of science and technology, what we eat and use will be more nutritious and greener in the future, and our life will be healthier and better.” The teachers and students also tasted the end customer products on the spot. They spoke highly of the delicious products.

At the end of the visit, engineers from the Basic Research Center of Huabao Scientific Innovation Center carefully prepared a lecture on science popularization themed by “Understanding Fragrances and Essential Oils”, a fragrance smell contest and an essential oil extraction experiment for students at the Company’s meeting room, making the students enter the fragrance world, and understand the source, extraction, development, and application of fragrance more scientifically and systematically. The students listened and watched carefully, asked questions actively and interacted frequently. They said that their study and visit today helped them get a more scientific and in-depth understanding of food ingredients, flavors and other flavor substances, and correct their past cognitive mistakes. Science popularization education is not only the popularization of scientific knowledge, but also the enhancement of scientific values and scientific attitudes. We should treat everything from a scientific and developmental perspective. Huabao has the obligation and responsibility to carry out such cognitive education activities to promote the healthy development of the industry.

As a listed enterprise with strong sense of social responsibility, Huabao actively carries out and participates in various public welfare and charitable activities to feed back to society while continuously promoting its own development, which also vividly illustrates the Company’s efforts of driving the practice of ESG concept. The Company has combined learning with practice from different dimensions and in different ways, aiming to facilitate the development of education.

Huabao has donated schoolbags and uniforms for remote poverty-stricken areas such as Shaanxi, Guizhou and Gansu for several consecutive years. For many years, Huabao have provided cognition practice places and courses training for freshmen majoring in Perfume and Aroma Technology and Engineering of Shanghai Institute of Technology (SIT), helping students understand the future employment and development of their major, and serve as a career guide for them. In 2017, the Company donated school supplies to all primary school students in Qishui County, Xizang to facilitate the development of basic education in border areas. In 2023, Huabao Trade Union Federation carried out targeted support for poverty students in Jinzhai, an old revolutionary base area in Anhui Province, and established a long-term mechanism to help poverty students complete their studies better. Before the beginning of new semester in 2023, the Company held the first off-campus class for student representatives of Yecheng Primary School in Jiading District, enabling the students to plant the seeds of exploring beautiful life in their hearts from different perspectives, and motivating them to study hard to apply their knowledge and contribute to society in the future.

In September 2023, five excellent industry enterprises, including Huabao, Shanghai Acoustics Laboratory of Chinese Academy of Sciences (IACAS), Volvo Cars, Jingdong Group, and Jidu Automobile, became the educational council members of the First Education Council of Shanghai Jiading Industrial Zone, aiming to explore and innovate school-enterprise cooperation modes and science popularization education topics. In November of the same year, Huabao was awarded the “humanities and self-cultivation learning site in Jiading District, Shanghai” together with other four enterprises including Volvo APAC, JD Logistics (Asia No.1), Jidu Auto and Shanghai Intelligent Sensor Industrial Park, aiming to boost the development of education for all.

Education is of critical importance to the future of our country. Teaching and educating are not only the work of schools and teachers, the matter of primary importance for families, but also the cause that everyone must participate in. As a corporate citizen, Huabao has a long way to go to facilitate the development of education and improve the quality of education. We will try our best to do every project well, play every role well, teach every lesson well, and fulfill our ever commitment and responsibility with careful preparation, pragmatic attitude, and practical actions, thus achieving the goals of Huabao’s ESG work.
