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Nationwide Safety Publicity and Emergency Management | Yunnan Tianhong Carried out Safety and Fire Protection Knowledge and Skills Competition in the “Work Safety Month”


This June marks the 22nd national “Work Safety Month”. In order to further facilitate the “Work Safety Month” activities, enhance the fire safety awareness and self-prevention and self-rescue ability of all staff, and promote the stable and good work safety situation, the Safety Commission Office of Yunnan Tianhong organized safety and fire protection knowledge and skills training recently. The training was divided into two parts: the safety and fire protection knowledge and skills learning, and the fire emergency drill.

Leaderships of the Company attached great importance to the work safety training and drill, and put forward three key points: firstly, through the study of work safety laws and regulations and the explanation of accident cases, employees should combine with their own work situation, and do a good job in safety management; secondly, through the fire emergency drill, employees should acquire proficiency in use of fire equipment, know very well the safe escape exit, and master the relevant self-rescue and mutual rescue skills; thirdly, all staff should pay attention to work safety and know well about the emergency management.

During the training, relevant personnel of the Safety Commission Office analyzed safety accident cases in recent years, played video materials for safety propaganda, taught fire safety knowledge, safety production laws and regulations, prevention of telecommunications fraud and cult organizations, etc., which improved the safety awareness of the employees.

In order to truly test the training effect, enable the employees to master practical skills, improve their self-rescue and mutual rescue ability, effectively maintain the Company’s stable work safety and fully build a fire safety "firewall", a drill was carried out in the way of random team competition.

Relevant personnel of the Safety Commission Office explained the operation mode of fire extinguishers, the quick connection and use of fire hydrant hose, means of escape and self-rescue, how to correctly fight the initial fire, and other common sense on fire safety.

They carried the fire extinguisher and ran 50 meters to extinguish fire, took the fire hydrant and ran 50 meters to quickly connect it. The participants made use of every second, and raced each other.

This widely-covered and targeted fire emergency drill comprehensively tested the staff’s safety business, safety work style, physical fitness and practical skills, and comprehensively examined the construction of the safety and fire protection teams.

In the future, the Company will enhance the investigation and management of hidden dangers, further strengthen the employees’ awareness on the importance of safety work, constantly improve the safety management mechanism, effectively eliminate safety hazards, maintain the normalization of safety management work, and escort the Company’s safe production and operation.
