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F&G BOTSWANA (PTY) LTD. Carried Out Garbage Classification Activities


In order to create a good factory environment, strengthen the awareness of garbage classification and recycling among employees of the whole factory, make the concept of garbage classification be deeply rooted in the hearts of the employees, and guide the employees of the whole factory to classify garbage, F&G BOTSWANA (PTY) LTD. (“F&G”) has started the garbage classification since the first half of 2019: In April, they made their garbage classification and recycling bins; in May and June, they defined the garbage classification method according to the practice test and the local actual situation and organized a teach-in concerning garbage classification in early July, where the general manager addressed the whole factory staff personally. The teach-in clearly defined the significance of garbage classification, explained the basic knowledge and methods of garbage classification. Finally, he also personally led the staff to the gate of the workshop and other space of the factory to carry out the demonstrative operation of garbage classification.

The practice of garbage classification in F&G can be said to be the pioneered one in Botswana. Through this activity, the employees will gradually develop good habits of garbage classification, improve their environmental literacy, and extend environmental education to the family, lead the family to participate in the activities of garbage classification and act together to carry out environmental protection and build beautiful F&G and beautiful Botswana homeland.
