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Joint effort for better development| XI Zhixin, Vice Chairman of Yingtan Municipal Committee of the CPPCC, visited Jiangxi H&K for investigation



Recently, XI Zhixin, Vice Chairman of Yingtan Municipal Committee of the CPPCC, and his delegation visited Jiangxi H&K Food Technology Development Co., Ltd.  (“Jiangxi H&K”) for investigation. SHAO Jun, General Manager of Jiangxi H&K, and HOU Xingang, General Manager of Yingtan Huabao Flavours & Fragrances Co., Ltd. (“Yingtan Huabao”), warmly received the delegation, and organized a symposium.

At the symposium, SHAO first warmly welcomed the delegation on behalf of Jiangxi H&K, and reported the development of Jiangxi H&K and the investments in Yingtan made by Huabao Flavours & Fragrances Co., Ltd. (“Huabao”). He said that Huabao has had a strong presence in Yingtan for more than ten years. The development of Jiangxi H&K has been inseparable from the care and help of the government and relevant departments of Yingtan City, among which Yingtan Municipal Committee of the CPPCC has given full play to its role as a bridge and provided a full range of services and support for Jiangxi H&K in terms of policy support, resource allocation and market expansion. Subsequently, he focused on the lean production and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) strategy implementation of Jiangxi H&K. In recent years, Jiangxi H&K has implemented the management philosophy of lean production to continuously optimize the production process and improve the efficiency of resource utilization, and achieved good results. Meanwhile, Jiangxi H&K has attached great importance to ESG, actively implemented the ESG development strategy, and strived to achieve green development and all-win harmony.

After the report, XI spoke highly of the achievements of Jiangxi H&K in promoting local economic development, creating job opportunities and assuming social responsibilities. He said that the government and relevant departments would continue to optimize the business environment and actively solve problems for enterprises. He hoped that Jiangxi H&K could achieve simultaneous improvement of economic and social benefits, play an exemplary and leading role, and lead the healthy and sustainable development of the industry.

After the symposium, they visited the production workshop of Jiangxi H&K to investigate the company’s production process and technological innovation. In the workshop, XI carefully inquired about the processes and technologies used in the production process, affirmed the company's strict quality control and lean production management, and put forward valuable suggestions on how to further improve production efficiency and product quality.

Their visit fully demonstrated the concern and support of Yingtan Municipal Committee of the CPPCC for the development of Yingtan Municipal Committee of the CPPCC. In the context of globalization and the accelerated process of digitalization, Jiangxi H&K has actively promoted digital transformation, developed international business, grasped development opportunities, improved technical level, and continuously enhanced market competitiveness. In the future, we will continue to enhance government and enterprise cooperation, thus jointly facilitating the high-quality development of enterprises and inject more vitality into the economy of Yingtan City.
