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The Trade Union Federation of Huabao Shanghai Industrial Park held the work summary meeting 2022 H1 and the work deployment meeting 2022 H2


On the morning of July 22, the Trade Union Federation of Huabao Shanghai Industrial Park (“Trade Union Federation”) held the work summary meeting for the first half of 2022 and the work deployment meeting for the second half of 2022 at the UK Hall of Huabao Shanghai Industrial Park. Members of the “two committees” of the Trade Union Federation attended the meeting.

At the meeting, MU Jieqiang, vice chairman of the Trade Union Federation, reported the work of the Trade Union Federation in the first half of 2022. Impacted by the COVID-19 in the first half of the year, the work of the Trade Union Federation was adjusted according to the unified deployment of the Trade Union Federation. Under the unified leadership of the pandemic prevention headquarters of Huabao Shanghai Industrial Park and in combination with the actual characteristics of the work of the Trade Union Federation, the main work focused on pandemic prevention and control (including procurement of pandemic prevention materials, organization of training for pandemic prevention volunteers) and employee care (including presenting supplies to employees living in the Company’s dormitory and in Shanghai, as well as pandemic prevention volunteers). Our work led to good results and favorable reception from the employees. YIN Jinmei, member of the expenditure audit committee of the Trade Union Federation, reported the financial revenue and expenditure of the Trade Union Federation in the first half of 2022 and the implementation of the budget, so that the members at the meeting could understand the “actual situation” of the union and facilitate the development of various works in the second half of the year. In the first half of this year, especially from March to May, the financial expenditure was mainly used to purchase pandemic prevention materials and present supplies to employees in need, fully reflecting the purpose of the financial work of the Trade Union Federation to “serve the overall situation of the Trade Union Federation, serve the grassroots and serve the workers”, and further demonstrating the Trade Union Federation’s concern for the health and safety of employees and care for employees. Other committee members at the meeting exchanged views on the current stage of the Trade Union Federation’s work and put forward opinions and suggestions.

CHEN Jing, chairman of the Trade Union Federation, affirmed the effective development of the work of the Trade Union Federation in the first half of the year and thanked the members of the two committees for their hard work. CHEN said that the sudden outbreak of the pandemic had a great impact on our lives and work. The work plan and pace of our Trade Union Federation was adjusted accordingly. Various activities scheduled for the first half of the year were canceled or held online. Shanghai has remained under lockdown due to the pandemic for a period of time, but our work had not been suspended. Although there were some impacts, we tried our best to well do our job and serve our employees. During the lockdown period amid the pandemic, we consulted with many parties and struggled to contact daily supplies providers, and sent daily necessities and vegetable bags to our employees living in the Company’s dormitory and in Shanghai successively, which fully demonstrated the humanistic care of the Company and the Trade Union Federation to always put employees first and help solve the problems of employees. Employees play a key role in enterprise development. It is the main work of the Company and the Trade Union Federation to ensure the physical and mental health of employees. We should feel grateful to the leaders of the Company for their strong support to the work of the Trade Union Federation. CHEN said that in the second half of the year, the Company would continue to focus on pandemic prevention and control and employee care, and promote the effective development of other work simultaneously. Relevant offline activities will be carried out in accordance with relevant policies, thus enriching the spare time life of employees. Members of the two committee should earnestly perform their duties and cooperate with each other to do the work of the Trade Union Federation well, effectively and deeply; and not be formalistic and give up halfway. We should keep employees satisfied and make them have a sense of belonging and identity, motivate them and exploit their potentialities, so as to make them better serve the Company and create value. Let’s make every effort to do the work of the Trade Union Federation well, so as to make employees more satisfied and the Company more assured.

At the meeting, some key work items for the second half of the year were also voted on.
