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Strategic Upgrading Industry-Finance Integration| Senior Executives of Huabao Visited Fine Taste Group for Field Research


As one of the core strategies of comprehensive strategic transformation and upgrading, “industry-finance integration” has become an important part for Huabao to build concentric diversified industrial ecology. Since Huabao joined hands with two state-owned industry funds in Wuxi to invest in Fine Taste Group (Jia Pin Jia Wei in Chinese) in December 2021, Huabao has given full play to its advantages in supporting and enabling the company in such aspects as corporate governance, industrial linkage, R&D and business expansion.

Recently, President of Huabao YUAN Xiaoqin led a delegation to visit Fine Taste Group, which is located in the Changsha Economic and Technological Development Zone, Hunan Province. They carried out field research on Fine Taste’s overall operation and progress in product R&D and application technologies, tasted the product honored gold award in Chinese Cuisine National Championship Hunan Competition and the upcoming new flavor products, got in-depth understanding of Fine Taste’s international advanced separation and extraction technology, natural targeted flavoring technology and fat regulated oxidation technology, and experienced the products deeply extracted through biological fermentation/enzymolysis technology, deep Maillard reaction and other generic technologies, which can ensure the strong flavoring characteristics of the products to the greatest extend. In addition, they carried out full communication and discussion with Fine Taste’s core team on the consumption trend, industry trend and key elements of core competitiveness of the food ingredient market segment.

On the next day, accompanied by GONG Lin, Chairman of Fine Taste, and XIONG Wen, CEO of Fine Taste , Ms. YUAN and her delegation went to the production base of Fine Taste at Jinshi Biotechnology Industrial Park in Changde, where they visited the production workshop and warehousing infrastructure that had just been upgraded and rebuilt, China’s leading marrow extractum production line and the high-level pilot workshop, inspected the No.4 workshop that will soon go into operation to create an output value of nearly 100 million yuan for Fine Taste Group, and made full exchanges on sustainable development issues of mutual concern, e.g., capacity planning, plant layout, safety and environmental protection.

In order to build a multi-dimensional technology ecosystem, Fine Taste Group has cooperated with Jiangnan University, Beijing Technology and Business University, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, and other research institutes to organize the production and processing according to the “HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) system” and conduct the layout according to the “SC” Food Quality and Safety Management System, thus to build Fine Taste into an industry-university-research industrial park with a collection of livestock bone R&D center and livestock bone technology application center. The humanized management of the industrial park, the neat factory environment, the spotless production workshop and the busy production lines together demonstrate Fine Taste’s positive attitude, entrepreneurial spirit and youthful vigor.

After the two days of communication, Ms. YUAN spoke highly of Fine Taste’s ability to maintain steady development and rapid growth in the face of the epidemic since the cooperation between the two sides. Ms. YUAN said facing the rapidly iterating consumption trend and complex and changeable business environment in the future, Fine Taste should adhere to its “original aspiration”, lay a solid foundation for development with “entrepreneurial spirit” and “innovative spirit”, and uphold “user thinking” and “design thinking” to provide clients and consumers with more quality products and experience, thus to create unique core competitiveness for Fine Taste. At the same time, Huabao will focus on incremental value creation, fully support and enable Fine Taste in such aspects as corporate governance, industrial resources integration, R&D issues tackling, joint product innovation and overseas market expansion, and guide the specific implementation.

The cooperation with Fine Taste represents that Huabao has made a solid step in its comprehensive strategic upgrading and the creation of a concentric diversified industrial ecology. Huabao also hopes to help more excellent national enterprises to accelerate their development and grow stronger and bigger through the complementation of superior resources. We believe that with the full support of Huabao, Fine Taste will become a new enterprise in the traditional industry and create a unicorn in the blue sea market.
