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Employee Care in ESG | To Care for Eye Health, Huabao Trade Union Organized Eye Health Examination for Employees


To care for employees’ eye health, enhance their awareness of eye disease prevention and self-care, and promote the concept of health work, Huabao Trade Union organized the eye health examination in Huabao Shanghai Industrial Park on July 18, 2024.

In this examination, the eye health service team from specialized eye hospital brought equipment to the Company, allowing employees to enjoy eye health services without leaving the Company. At the beginning, the ophthalmologist gave a lecture on eye health knowledge, explained the characteristics, causes, and preventive measures of various common eye diseases in detail, and shared some daily tips to protect eye health. Through this lecture, employees gained a deeper understanding of eye health, recognized the importance of regular eye examination, and learned how to protect their vision in daily life.

Subsequently, employees underwent a series of professional eye examinations, including computer optometry, lacrimal testing, dry eye nebulization experience, and AI eye-ground photography. These examination items not only covered vision testing, but also evaluated the overall eye health status. At the same time, medical staff established detailed eye health records for each employee based on their examination results, ensuring that everyone can understand their eye condition in a timely manner.

This eye examination activity popularized eye health knowledge to employees, making them aware of the importance of vision protection and further enhancing their health awareness. Caring for employee health is an important component of the Company's ESG development strategy. Throughout the years, the Company and the Trade Union have been continuously improving the employee care system, paying attention to the health needs of employees, and putting employee care in practice. By providing competitive compensation and benefits, and career development opportunities for employees, building reassuring scenes for employees, equipping Mommy’s House of Huabao, providing sports and fitness facilities, and organizing various recreational and sports activities for employees, the Company has created a corporate atmosphere full of humanistic care, and worked hand in hand with employees for further development. In the future, the Company and the Trade Union will continue to implement various measures for employee care, seek benefits for employees, and safeguard the high-quality development of the Company.
